In chess, we have a move called Intermezzo (also known as Zwischenzug or Intermediate-move or In-between-move).
When the players execute their deeply worked out plans, these intermediate moves come in way as a surprise!
An intermezzo is a kind of tactical move that is highly unexpected (not that such a possibility never existed) but due to one of the reasons such as ignorance / negligence / inexperience or such a move falls under one’s blind spot, players often miss such moves.
These intermediate moves may completely change the dynamics of the position and usually works in favour of the player making them and completely against the player missing & facing them!
The impact of these moves on the ensuing result of the game largely depends on the intensity & timing of such an intermezzo!
It’s just a game of chess between 2 players! and if the players consider such possibilities and take care to avoid such nuances…they can safeguard their plans and games against such surprises.
If we compare this to real life, one player is nature and the other player is the Humans.
We as Humans, lost in our own world and very busy in working out various selfish plans (in both inter-species and intra-species) ignoring the eco-system around us! In fact we have mastered the art of modifying/damaging the eco-system to our temporary/pseudo comforts ignoring the consequences!. The problem is we have travelled a long way in this direction!
In spite of being the most-intelligent species, humans have underestimated such Corona like intermezzos and the consequences are here!
Something like this is not new and whenever misplayed with nature, it keeps throwing such intermezzos time and again, but humans seem to have long-term-memory-loss and keep repeating the same errors as if nothing like this ever happened!
Ramu Kandi
FIDE Master & FIDE Trainer